Bill Frisell - Films of Buster Keaton, Music by Bill Frisell DVD
$ 25.00
The 1920 release of Buster Keaton's Go West, The High Sign and One Week. In 1995 Bill Frisell created a sound track for these films and was released by Nonesuch Records. This DVD was later created, merging Keaton and Frisell and released in 2011 by Songtone.
Bill Frisell - guitar
Kermit Driscoll - bass
Joey Baron - drums
Recording Engineer: Oliver DiCicco
Mixing Engineer: Judy Clapp
Mastering Engineer: Greg Calbi
Music Editors: Andrew Ries and Shawn Pierce
Assistant Engineers: Christian Jones and Mark Slagle
Recorded at Mobius Music, San Francisco
Mixed at Different Fur, San Francisco
Mastered at Masterdisk, New York
Video editor: Andrew Shire
DVD Authoring Services provided by MidCanada Production Services Inc.
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